The Little Prince

We would like to start this narrative like a magical tale: « Once upon a time… Lived the Little Prince. » He lived on a distant planet, which was slightly larger than himself, and he really lacked a friend… This tale is about friendship and love, about beauty and intolerance towards evil… Here you feel like a child, and you begin to look at the world with completely different eyes. As Saint-Exupéry reminds us, « We are all born from childhood »…

Date and time of performance:
The show took place on May 11, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. at the Salle Cazard, Lausanne


  • The Little Prince: Grégory Yakymenko
  • The Pilot: Yuriy Semerich
  • The Rose: Shostatska Kateryna
  • The Fox: Nalyvaiko Mariia
  • The King: Tarasque Akai
  • The Geographer: Daria Zalesskaya
  • The Lamplighter: Rudina Irynа
  • The Snake: Liebied Sofia

Technical team:

  • Director, audio composition: Olena Liebied
  • Video and media creator, translator : Tetiana Mamaieva
  • Set design: Zhanna Gutova
  • Screenwriters : Madina Kukenova