Оголошуємо кастинг!

Оголошуємо кастинг!

Шукаємо юних акторів та акторок віком 5 – 14 років для участі у новій виставі « Маленький принц », заснованій на казці Антуана де Сент-Екзюпері.

Що на вас чекає?

  • Захопливий сюжет, виконаний українською та французькою мовами.
  • Можливість спробувати свої сили на сцені разом з іншими дітьми.
  • Унікальний досвід, який запам’ятається назавжди!

З нас цікава історія та професійний підхід, з вас — гарна гра та натхнення. До зустрічі на кастингу!

Субота, 25 січня, 15:00

Cap Studio, Chemin des Lentillières 15, 1023 Crissier
(ліфт до нижнього поверху).

Рееєстрація та запитання:
+380 50 548 2151 (WhatsApp)
079 509 09 91

Приєднуйтесь до нашої театральної родини!

Асоціація Together та Théâtre de l’Espoir

Ми в соцмережах:

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/togetherassociation/profilecard/?igsh=cHR5MHphMzBrY2h6
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550105318418
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7274406318579318786

Cпеціальні підготовчі курси для біженців і мігрантів в EPFL


EPFL пропонує спеціальні підготовчі курси для біженців і мігрантів, які планують вступ до університету.

Кінцевий термін реєстрації: 31 січня 2025 року

Початок занять: лютий 2025 року

Усі подробиці – на офіційному сайті EPFL:

Не втратьте можливість!

Завжди ваша,
Асоціація Together

Support campaign for our association

Dear friends,

We are launching a support campaign for our association: « Purchase a set of genuine Ukrainian candies for 5 francs (as shown in the photo), enjoy their taste and contribute to our activity. »

For this, please visit the « Doushka » store at the following address: Rue Jean-Louis Galliard 2, 1004 Lausanne.

Store hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Saturday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

We thank the « Doushka » store and each one of you for your support!

Sincerely, Together Association

Successful Information Session on CAS Programs at BSL for Ukrainians with Status S

On December 13, Business School Lausanne (BSL) hosted a successful Information Session focused on the CAS programs for Ukrainians with Status S, just ahead of the final application deadline.

It was a wonderful opportunity for prospective students, both those who had already applied and those still considering, to learn more about the exciting educational opportunities at BSL.

The Information Session began with an insightful welcoming speech by Dr. Mary Jean Bürer, who highlighted BSL’s history, the advantages of studying here, and the many opportunities available to students.

Maya Ramati, MBA then shared valuable insights on the promising career prospects for BSL graduates, backed by statistical data on employment in various sectors.

We were also honored to have Dr. Yuriy Semerich from the Together Association, who presented key recruitment partners for the CAS program, including the BEVEL ON Association, as well as colleagues from UNIL, Dr. Olena Iarmosh and BSL, Dr. Madina Kukenova and Tetiana Mamaieva from the Together Association.

The main part of the session delved deep into the training areas of the CAS programs, with Dr. Marko Majer, Ph.D. presenting Digital Marketing, Dr. Jan Erik Meidell, Ph.D covering Data Analysis, and Dr. Madina Kukenova showcasing the Finance program. Each speaker provided a thorough breakdown of the course modules, both theoretical and practical aspects of their respective fields.

Dr. Olena Iarmosh concluded the session by discussing the upcoming selection process for CAS candidates and answering a wide range of questions from attendees both in-person and online via the Zoom broadcast.

We’d like to extend our gratitude to all the participants for their active engagement and interest in the CAS programs at BSL. Your curiosity and dedication are truly inspiring!

Association Together

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/togetherassociation/profilecard/?igsh=cHR5MHphMzBrY2h6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550105318418
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7274406318579318786

Information session on the CAS Programs

Dear friends,
We invite you to take part in an information session on the CAS Programs. Registration is required to participate in the session – https://u.to/lJ0NIQ

Agenda of session

  • Date: December 13, 2024
  • Time: 15:00 – 17:00
  • Location: Business School Lausanne, Route de la Maladière 21, 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens

BSL Representatives:

  • Mary Jean Bürer, Deputy Academic Director, Executive Programs
  • Dr. Jan Erik Meidell
  • Dr. Marko Majer
  • Dr. Madina Kukenova

Association Together Representatives:

  • Dr. Yuriy Semerich
  • Tetiana Mamaieva
  • Dr. Olena Iarmosh
  • Dr. Madina Kukenova

Detailed Plan

15:00 – 15:10 | Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Mary Jean Bürer

  • Welcoming words
  • Overview of the session
  • Introduction to the CAS program and its objectives

15:10 – 15:20 | Overview of the CAS Programs
Dr. Madina Kukenova

  • Detailed description of the CAS programs in Digital Marketing, Data Analysis, and Finance
  • Key features and benefits of the programs

15:20 – 15:30 | Prerequisites and Application Process
Dr. Olena Iarmosh, Dr. Yuriy Semerich

  • Admission requirements for the program
  • Steps to apply and timeline
  • Tuition fees and funding opportunities for candidates outside of Canton Vaud

15:30 – 16:00 | Meet the Professionals and Instructors
Dr. Jan Erik Meidell (CAS in Data Analysis)

  • Brief content of the module, teaching methodology, assessment methods, and industry connections

Dr. Madina Kukenova (CAS in Finance)

  • Brief content of the course, teaching methodology, assessment methods, and industry connections

Dr. Marko Majer (CAS in Digital Marketing)

  • Brief content of the course, teaching methodology, assessment methods, and industry connections

16:00 – 16:30 | Q&A Session

  • Open floor for participants to ask questions
  • Clarification of any doubts about the program

16:30 – 17:00 | Closing Remarks and Networking

  • Opportunity to network with other applicants and instructors

We look forward to seeing you at the session!

With best regards,
Together Association



Christmas concert

Dear adults, we haven’t forgotten about you!

Our association traditionally organizes festive events for the whole family. While our little friends will enjoy captivating performances (https://together-association.ch/en_US/index.php/le-theatre-de-lespoir/christmas-show-the-new-adventures-of-pere-noel-and-saint-nicholas/), we have prepared a Christmas concert for you!

During the evening, you can enjoy:

  • Beautiful music and festive songs
  • Delicious traditional treats
  • An artisan market with unique creations — perfect gifts for you and your loved ones.

Join us to celebrate Christmas together in a warm, friendly atmosphere and share in the joy of the holiday!

  • December 18, 2024, at 18:30
  • Grande Salle du Motty, Pl. du Motty 4, 1024 Ecublens

Free entry, voluntary donations are welcome (suggested amount: 20.- CHF).
Registration: https://forms.gle/hmQhmWbnDXPmddV99

We look forward to seeing you at our concert!

Warm regards,
Together Association

Petrykivka Painting Workshops

Have you ever heard of Petrykivka painting?
It’s not just a Ukrainian painting technique, but a vibrant and colorful artistic language inspired by nature! Discover this unique art form during workshops organized in Lausanne.


Tuesday, November 26, 4–6 PM
Wednesday, November 27, 10 AM–12 PM

Chauderon Library (Place Chauderon 11)

What is it?
Petrykivka painting is characterized by its vivid floral and plant motifs, each telling a story. This traditional art form has won hearts worldwide.

Oleksandra Ostapova, a professional artist and teacher based in Italy (ARCI Lecco), will guide you through the secrets of this technique.

Workshop 1: Fundamentals
Discover the history and basics of Petrykivka painting. Under Oleksandra’s guidance, you will create your first compositions.

Workshop 2: Mandala
Learn how to combine traditional Ukrainian motifs with the ancient symbolism of mandalas. A unique way to express your creativity, blending spirituality and art.

For whom: Participants aged 15 and older
Registration: [email protected]

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the magic of Ukrainian art and explore new facets of your creativity.

We look forward to seeing you!

Association Together

Christmas Show - "The New Adventures of Père Noël and Saint Nicholas"

What to do if Christmas is in danger? Saint Nicholas and Père Noël know the answer, but they can’t do it without your help!

We invite you and your children, to dive into the magical world of the adventures of Père Noël and Saint Nicolas through a unique bilingual musical performance, blending Swiss and Ukrainian traditions.

A plot that will take your breath away:
Saint Nicholas’ main assistant, the Christmas Fairy, has disappeared. In her place appears a mysterious imposter who behaves quite strangely.
Père Noël and Saint Nicholas join forces to uncover the truth. Even Cruella comes to their aid—this time, she’s on the side of good!

Will the heroes manage to return the real Christmas Fairy and save the holiday? Find out for yourself at our performance, full of music, songs, and true Christmas magic!

Dates and Locations:

  • December 14, 2024, 11:00 AM
    Le Cazard, Rue Pré-du-Marché 15, 1004 Lausanne
  • December 18, 2024, 3:00 PM
    Grande Salle du Motty, Pl. du Motty 4, 1024 Ecublens

Tickets starting from 5 CHF!
Buy online:

Or reserve seats:

Don’t miss the chance to give your children an unforgettable Christmas adventure!

Every child will receive a sweet gift!


We look forward to seeing you!

Warm regards,
Together Association

Professional Integration Program for Ukrainians with Temporary S Status

Attention for Ukrainians with status S!

If you have worked in Ukraine in the field of digital marketing, data analysis or finance and want to confirm your qualifications in Switzerland, or start a career in these fields, we offer a solution! Complete a three-month training program at the Lausanne Business School and receive a certificate (CAS) recognized by Swiss employers.

The program is funded by the Cantonal Office for the Integration of Foreigners and the Prevention of Racism (BCI) and starts in January 2025. The language of training is English

The selection of participants is carried out by the associations Together and BEVEL ON. We are looking for motivated specialists ready to develop a career in Switzerland

How to apply?
Registration via the link https://t.ly/L3puu until December 14, 2024.

Learn more?
Visit our website at https://together-association.ch/en_US/index.php/projects/leducation/professional-integration-program-for-ukrainians-with-temporary-s-status-in-switzerland/ or write to [email protected].

Don’t miss your chance!

Kind regards,
Together Association

Церемонія нагородження учасників та переможців конкурсу « Казка мого рідного краю »

Дорогі друзі!

30 жовтня в муніципальній бібліотеці Лозанни Chauderon відбулася урочиста церемонія нагородження учасників та переможців конкурсу « Казка мого рідного краю ». У цьому конкурсі взяли участь десятки дітей із різних країн, які мешкають у Лозанні та поза її межами. Конкурс тривав із жовтня 2023 року по червень 2024 року.

Творили юні таланти, які навчаються у наших неймовірних художниць і педагогів — Жанни Гутової (художня школа Artiloft), Марії Тюльєр (художня школа Art’itude), а також у художній школі Espace Sepia.

Церемонія пройшла у веселій атмосфері, у присутності батьків наших талановитих дітей. Ми ще раз щиро вітаємо переможців!

Молодша група:
3 місце — Miroslava Paskevska
2 місце — Nawel Azam
1 місце — Eva Ehrenfreund

Середня група:
3 місце — Sara Kovalenko
2 місце — Aadi Kulkarni
1 місце — Noam Finish

Старша група:
3 місце — Alan Satkhanov
2 місце — Tymur Zhovtobryukh
1 місце — Illia Tertychny

Також вітаємо Melie, Slobodianuk Aleksandra та Sarah Kovalenko з призом глядацьких симпатій!

Ми висловлюємо величезну подяку за фінансову та організаційну підтримку проєкту:

  • Місту Лозанні
  • ISJM (Insitut Suisse Jeunesse et Médias)
  • Муніципальній бібліотеці Лозанни
  • Художній школі Artiloft
  • Migrosengagement

Окрема подяка автору проєкту, креативній та невтомній секретарці нашої Асоціації — Мадіні Кукеновій!

Сердечно ваші,
Асоціація Together